I am a geologist with a deep interest in sedimentology, stratigraphy, chemostratigraphy, and isotope geochemistry. Sometimes, I also take on the role of a geochemical modeler by crunching a lot of numbers and making plots using Python (or Matlab, but mostly Python).

I was born and raised in Indonesia. I attended Institut Teknologi Bandung for my undergraduate degree in geology and the School of Earth Sciences at Ohio State for my MS and PhD. Currently, I am a postdoctoral scholar at FSU and MagLab.

My research centers in reconstructing changes in geologic, oceanic, and paleoclimate processes using geochemical proxies and their roles in shaping the macro-evolution of life on Earth (i.e., long-term changes in biodiversity and rapid mass extinction events). Overall, my research questions are at the intersection between geology (sedimentology, stratigraphy, geochemistry) and paleoclimatology.

Outside of work, I enjoy running, biking, and coffee. I did a couple of races when I was in graduate school (3x Marathons, 1x 9 mile race, 1x 20 mile race, and 1x run-bike-run duathlon). If you are looking for trails to run or coffee shops to go to in Columbus or Tallahassee, please reach out! I will be more than happy to send you some of my favorite trails and coffee shops.